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Baby Milestone Blogs


Hi, I'm Sarah!

From serene cuddles to wild giggles, inspiration for your own session is right here. Stay and scroll a while!



Baby Milestone

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Photo Session Tips

Tips for photographers





Sarah Sidwell Photography shares a preview of a session featuring 6 month baby pictures of a little baby girl named Harper and her family.

A baby plays with his mom and dad as he sits for his half birthday session with Sarah Sidwell Photography. Sarah captures some sweet moments between Henry and his parents.

During a three month baby session, new parents snuggle their sweet baby boy and watch him as he sleeps, smiles and explores his world.

A baby plays with her parents, giggling and exploring the world around her during her first birthday photos with Nashville photographer Sarah Sidwell Photography.

A baby is in a grassy field with his two parents, playing and learning to walk with their photographer, Sarah Sidwell Photography, a baby photography in Nashville expert. 

A baby sits on a blanket on the grass while wearing a white bonnet during her sitting baby session in Nashville with local photographer Sarah Sidwell Photography. 

Sarah Sidwell Photography shares her best of 2017 baby photography sessions with a collage of photographs featuring different babies as they play and sleep. 

A little baby with blonde hair sits on a blanket and plays with toys in celebration of his half birthday. Sarah Sidwell Photography captures the special moment with a photography session. 

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Copywriting by Brandspeak studio | BrandING & Web Design By Big Wave Studio